Dragon's World

Has anyone watched this documentary film titled 'Dragon's World'?
IMO, it's very a interesting documentary film.
Created by people from 'Walking with Dinosaurs', this docu-film explores the possibilities of dragons existing since the time of dinosaurs.
The way this film goes about presenting the dragons is quite good. Instead of the normal documentaries that we see on how animals lived etc, the story is being told con-currently with the discovery of a dragon's corpse, and a flash-back to how these dragons might have lived.
What i think made me appreciate this docu-film was the fact that they try to make everything about the dragons pausible. From dragons attaining flight despite their large mass; to the breathing out of fire, the producers have done a very good job in explaining how a dragon was able achieve these. In fact, you'll almost believe everything about them was for real. I was 95% convinced dragons had existed, no joke. That's how believable 'Dragon's World' is.
(The 5% comes from the common fact that dragons did not exist at all. Big booboo...)
Well, if you have time on your hand, i'll recommend you to watch it. If you don't have time, MAKE TIME FOR IT!
It is that good, i tell ya.
Of course if you're those not interested in these types of docu-films, there's no point in telling you to watch it because everything would be nonsensical. lol
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