Car tastes in my family
This is a bo liao topic that i've thought of after chatting with my sis over msn yesterday.
It seems amongst us siblings, each of us has our own taste in which car we would like to have some point in our life.
The first car being shown here is a Honda Integra Type R. My brother totally digs this car. Maybe he wants to fulfil his dreams of being a racerboy
Too much Initial D perhaps?
Next up is the car i'd buy if given the opportunity.
For those of you who are car nuts, the car below is an Aston Martin.
Aston Martin V8 Vantage to be exact.
Look at this car
Don't you think its a work of art itself?
This is a bo liao topic that i've thought of after chatting with my sis over msn yesterday.
It seems amongst us siblings, each of us has our own taste in which car we would like to have some point in our life.
The first car being shown here is a Honda Integra Type R. My brother totally digs this car. Maybe he wants to fulfil his dreams of being a racerboy
Too much Initial D perhaps?

Next up is the car i'd buy if given the opportunity.
For those of you who are car nuts, the car below is an Aston Martin.
Aston Martin V8 Vantage to be exact.
Look at this car
Don't you think its a work of art itself?
Well, the car that my sis likes is the one that outclasses either cars my brother and i love.
The Pagani Zonda F Roadster.
Damn.. And she's someone who know nuts about cars!
She took a look at this car and said, "I want this car."
The best thing was, she didn't even know how much this car costs at all!
Looking at the cars that us siblings want, it would be reasonable to conclude what we want are sleek and fast cars!
Talk about having expensive tastes -_-
Well, if you're interested in knowing how much the cars mentioned above costs..
Integra Type R: 100k
Aston Martin Vantage: 500K
Pagani Zonda F Roadster: 2.5 million
(It seems that the longer the name, the more expensive the car costs.. lol)
can u tell me why the pagani costs so much? where is from?
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