Monday, February 06, 2006

Conflict of Interests


There seems to be a conflict of interests in what i'm learning.

I'm in Aerospace engineering if you don't know, but my interest in planes ain't that much as compared to my interest in cars. -_-lll

Talk to me about planes and i just mumble about differentiating between planes and helicopters. Ha~

But talk to me about cars and i'll be able to differentiate between different models within the same brand. It's relatively easy in my opinion.
(But there's a problem with Honda Civics though, the EG/EK series have me confused..)

That's how bad i am with planes.

Of course, this could stem from the fact that i can't fly a plane but i could drive a car.

If you're able to operate something, surly it'll generate more interest in you than something you can't operate? Am i right to say that?

Same case in point with motorcycles. I can differentiate the brands but not the models. No use for me knowing which model it is etc etc cause i can't ride it at all!

I'm just consoling myself.. haha


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