Thursday, September 29, 2005

Of dreams and nightmares


Do you think it's a reflection of what's happening in your real life?

Do you think it's a foretelling of the future?

Or do you just brush it off?


I believe that my dreams/nightmares relate to some parts of what's happening. As to it foretelling the future, it's hard for me to decide if my dreams/nightmares are just my sub-consciousness playing tricks on me, or is it giving me a glimsp of the things to come.

If i were to brush off these dreams/nightmares, how does it prove the fact that some of these dreams/nightmares actually come true?

It's scary to realise what you're seeing/experiencing is the same as what was in your dreams/nightmares. Many a time, all i could do was say 'shit...' in my head when i realise i had dreamt of it before. You just don't know where and when it could strike you. At least for me that's the way my dreams/nightmares work. For others, i'm not too sure.

Of course those dreams/nightmares that are way out of logic, i would discard them as figments of my overtly imaginative sub-consciousness. But those dreams/nightmares that have a sense of realism in them, i would be aware of. Cause you never know where and when it would happen.

If only i could choose which dreams/nightmares to become real. How happy i would be.

But i'm no Nostradamus. I cannot foretell future like he does. He's the expert whilst i'm just someone getting the crumbs.

I really hate it when my dreams/nightmares become too real for my liking. Take for example a nightmare i had a few days ago. Someone/something thrust its hand through my body, where my heart is. And the momentum of that action actually pushed me up from bed into a sitting position, waking me up. Now, how fierce is that?

It may be similar to those of you who dreamt that you falling from a building and wake up with a jerk just at the moment you reach the ground. But that's you falling alone. In my case, it's someone attacking me.

Thinking of it, does it imply i would be backstabbed by someone? And that person would be the one that would ultimately rip my heart out? Or is it gonna be just some farce? Or is it ghosts???

Another type of dreams/nightmares i have are those that puts you in the place where it's happening. Of course there is no need for interpretation what so ever. You just go with the flow and it ends when you wake up. However, you won't know when or where it's gonna happen. And it's damn sickening because these dreams/nightmares could take from a few days to a few months to occur. How i just wanna get it over and done with.

You may think i'm cursed or you may think i'm given a gift by God. I'm not someone who's pious at all. How these things work in God's eyes, i'm not sure. However, my reasoning is that anything i'm given in this world, i should be thankful for it. Be it good or bad. Doesn't help at all if you're gonna resent it.

The one thing i've come to believe in is what may seem good may not be that good for you and what is bad may not be that bad after all. That's something i think is truely logical. An it has worked for me everytime no matter where i am. To treat this 'gift/curse' as good or bad? That, i don't know. It could help me, or it could hurt me. So it's gonna stay in the middle, yup, that's where it should belong.

That's all for now. Sorry for bothering you.

PS: I've alot of nice dreams that i'm hoping would happen. So far, some came true, some haven't. I'm still waiting for the most important one to happen.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Boring holidays


It's awfully boring. Mid-session holidays has started and there's absolutely nothing to do.


Anyway, part of a song from Marilyn Manson; The Nobodies;

Some children died the other day
we fed machines and then we prayed
puked up and down in morbid faith
you should have seen the ratings that day

It just keeps running through my head even though i've not heard this song for months. The meaning behind this song??? I'm not too sure. But you could check out if you want...

Don't worry, i'm not going berserk or what. (Hopefully... LOL)

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Some advice

Hmm... I shall be philosphical this time.

Advice of the day, " Always look before doing anything"

That's the most important verse in my brain right now.


2 reasons.

Yesterday and today.

Yesterday: Stretched up my hands upwards without looking, scratched my knuckle and filled 2 tissues with blood. Could have donated it to the aedes mosquitoes in Singapore.

Today: Drank a strawberry milk that had expired 7 days before without looking at the expiry date. Now waiting to see the effect expired milk has on me.

What a wonderful life i'm leading...

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Mid Autumn Festival

Hiya people...

Studying overseas can be so happening. You get to celebrate alot of things...


For instance, Mid Autumn Festival aka Mooncake festival to me...

Actually, i don't celebrate it at all. But it's during this period that you get to taste different types of mooncakes; be it normal or exotic ones. My personal favourite is snow-skin mooncakes. Really really liked them alot.

Well... Now the situation has changed. I'm overseas studying.

Where have all the mooncakes gone???


Luckily all is not lost... There are mooncakes being sold here!!!


But too bad they don't sell snow-skins. (I've yet to see one...)

Ok then, lets see this mooncake i bought looks like...

Cool packaging eh? Like Singapore's.

See the price??? It's A$6.50 for one mooncake. Try converting that to S$ dollars. I think it's roughly S$8 plus dollars. Sigh.. The price to pay for a little taste of mooncake.

I think the packaging for mooncakes has really become standardised. Everything looks the same!

Nicely baked colour. Not burnt at all!

In case you're wondering if it is big given the price...

You're wrong! It's so small... There are much bigger mooncakes in Singapore compared to this...

And if you're wondering whose hand is that, it's mine, thank you. Looks kinda feminine eh? Go bang your head against the wall for thinking of that! It is my hand! I just take good care of my hands, that's all. Take a good look at your hands and think whether do you take care of your hands... (I 'forgot' to cut my nails for 4 weeks.. hehe..)

The innards... Oops.. How it looks like on the inside. Frankly no 'wow' factor here. The egg yolk looks tiny too. Makes me wonder if i bought a single or double yolk mooncake... ( I bought a double yolk mooncake btw) Definitely not worth the price of S$8 plus...

Well, as for the taste. It's the same. Nothing fantastic about it. Not the kind where you'll float up to the sky after taking a bite. (I wonder does this really happen???) So i'd say you're paying quite alot just for a piece of mooncake action.

That's all folks. Mooncake festival is over!

Ok, now to see which other events i'll miss while in Sydney. (Events which i normally celebrate, all in chronological order)

1) My grandpa's birthday (Paternal)
2) My cousin's wedding
3) Christmas
4) New Year
5) Chinese New Year
6) Dad's birthday
7) My birthday
8) Grandma's death anniversary (Paternal)
9) Mom's birthday
10) Grandpa's birthday (Maternal)
11) Sis's birthday (If we celebrate, lol)
12)Grandma's birthday (Maternal)
13)Bro's birthday (If we celebrate, lol... I may be back on this date...)

Sigh... The things i'll miss for the sake of education...

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Google Earth

Just started using Google Earth and first thing i did was to search for my house!
Luckily i'm good at navigation, if not it could take me quite a while even though Singapore is so small.
Damn cool tool to have around.
Too bad it can't really zoom all way like spy satellites. If not can see who's swimming at the pool at the time this picture was taken... lol...

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Spring and some other stuff..

Today's the hottest day so far in Sydney since i touched down.

For the past few weeks, it has been hovering around 18 degrees but today, it hit 24 degrees!

Man, i can really feel the difference in temperature... Hopefully the temperature doesn't go much higher than that. I'm very vulnerable to heat. (those who know me would know, lol)

Anyway, mid session break is coming soon... And i really don't know what to do. My original ideal was to vist QR in Perth, but guess what, the air ticket cost 300 plus... Too bad, QR! Haha, guess i've to do something else instead... (Is there a job where you get to test-drive cars?? I would really like to have a go at it...)

I've become sooooo bored that i've started surfing the net, reading pretty much everything there's to offer. Of course it's only stuff that interest me, lol. An interesting read is, really hilarious and insightful; don't be put off by the language, it's what adds the 'colour' in this blog.

I've been going through this car forum as well==>

It's a forum for Singapore car owners. Alot of trivial stuff regarding cars could be gleaned from there. A good place to start if you know nuts about cars. (Tuning is being talked about here too)

I've been keeping track of oil prices too. A pity that oil prices kept rising without any sign of slowing down. It's gonna hit S$2 in the next few months in my opinion... Even the petrol price in Sydney is rising too. I wonder how people driving cars with high CCs are gonna react... How am i gonna buy fuel for my dream car next time??? Shucks... (I saw a Bentley today! It's absolutely GORGEOUS, a pity the person driving it is a bloke, not some gorgeous girl...)

And one more thing, 'dengue fever'; is it gonna be like an outbreak of dengue fever circa 1992-4? (I was infected during that period) I think it's a rather serious outbreak from what i've gathered; more than a hundred people a day are being admitted. Wow.. That's some serious blood sucking by the aedes mosquitoes...

"Singapore's Economy Gets Decapitated by Aedes Mosquito" would become the world headline, if it becomes an epidemic... Hopefully it doesn't happen...

Bye and cheerios...

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I hate my lecturer...

He sucks big time...

And i mean BIG TIME

I can do his job too, just read out what's on the transparency and get paid a couple of hundred bucks for doing that.

Pui! I've absolutely lost my respect for him!

And to think he is a Doctor!

I wonder where did he get his doctorate from...

Prepares notes that have mistakes in them.

Refusing to correct mistakes after being told discreetly that there are mistakes in the presentation.

When asked questions, beat about the bush, complicating matters for all of us.

If not it's 'look in the EMU package, everything's explained clearly in there...'
Utter bullshit! There's nothing to be explained at all inside!




DR G...

Go to hell and rot there.. Don't mess up my life...

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Tainted Love...


Sometimes I feel I've got to
Run away I've got to
Get away
From the pain that you drive into the heart of me
The love we share
Seems to go nowhere
I've lost my lights
I toss and turn I can't sleep at night

Once I ran to you (I ran)
Now I'll run from you
This tainted love you've given
I give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Tainted love
Tainted love

Now I know I've got to
Run away I've got to
Get away
You don't really want any more from me
To make things right
You need someone to hold you tight
You think love is to pray
But I'm sorry I don't pray that way

Once I ran to you (I ran)
Now I'll run from you
This tainted love you've given
I give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Tainted love
Tainted love

Don't touch me please
I cannot stand the way you tease
I love you though you hurt me so
Now I'm going to pack my things and go
Touch me baby, tainted love
Touch me baby, tainted love
Touch me baby, tainted love

Once I ran to you (I ran)
Now I'll run from you
This tainted love you've given
I give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Tainted love
Tainted love
Tainted love

Another song by Marilyn Manson. Don't ask me why i've started listening to his songs again.