Monday, May 30, 2005

The salary some people earn...

Finally... The time has come for me to work! Well, sort of... I'm on a 1 week assignment as an office boy. Helping out my friend because he is unable to cope with the work now that the company is having an event.
Which company?
Let's just say it's a MNC that's based in America.
I'm so tired and today's the first day! So much work to do. And that's basically sai kang...
But what i really wanna talk about is the pay these people earn..
Really... it's unbelieveable.
Let's talk about a normal manager working in Singapore? How much would you expect him to earn?
3-5K per month?
Depending on what the job scope is like, this amount may seem normal.
But guess what? For the company i work in, the 'Engagement Manager' earns 14+K.
Don't ask how much the Managing Director earns.
You won't even hit the sum if you combine 12 months of your salary.
You really wanna know?
Say 'pretty please with a smile...'
Oh all right, I'll tell you...
He earns 50+K a month.
Scary sum ain't it?
Man... how long would i have to work just to earn that sum of money?
It's even too outrageous to even think about what i can buy with this amount of money i get a month!
Imagine, a new condominium every 2 years. Or a spanking new mercs/beemer every 6 months.
Oh God!
The extremities the world faces...
And thus, a promise is made to myself...

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Now that's what i call a piece of art!

What's that you might ask? I was bored out being sick and so went online to look around at model kits. And i found this!
Hmm.. does't look like the normal ones like gundam eh? Well, this mecha is not from Gundam or whatever type of robot animes you could normally associate with. This mecha is from a series called 'Five Star Stories'. There's no anime by that name at all. (Unless you count in the OVA, but that's heavily cut and i don't like it at all) It only exists in comic form and that's a fully coloured, A4 size, hard cover form, mind you.
I took a look at this and i just went WOW!
Looks so majestic ain't it? It just gives me a sense of 'WOWness' whenever i take a look at it...
I just love the design of the mechas in 'Five Star Stories'. All the mechas are individually designed and no two mecha are similar at all...
For your information, this model kit can only be bought in Japan. The price? 38000Yen... In Singapore dollars? That's about S$590... An expensive hobby to keep eh? Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I've fallen sick and it's not very nice...

Looking at the title, yup, i think you'd have guess what i'm gonna write about...
That's right, it's official.. I'm sick! Down with sore throat, running nose and God knows what that's on it's way.
Happy? I'm not.
Falling ill is something which i think is the most revolting thing in the world. (other than cockroaches of course) The sniffles, the ache in your head and joints.. Oh, how i absolutely detest it. I'm sure no one likes falling ill unless you wanna get a m.c. to excuse yourself from work or whatever it is that you're trying to escape from.
I'm having a running nose and it's irritating the hell out of me because it just can't stop dripping. Now i have a wad of rolled up tissue up my nostril just to stop the flow. My ears are blocked and i dunno why. Have to pop them ever so often, if not i'll think i'm deaf. My voice has changed and my friends couldn't recognise me when he called. Stupid sore throat. I've lost my appetite and can't take in much food even though i'm not a big eater anyway. I feel dizzy and have a slight headache. Maybe i'll just faint right now? My joints ache as though i had a high intensity workout... Argh!!! The wonders of falling sick...
*Start of transmission for advertisement*
Please call 12345678 if you like to get the advertised ailments. Hurry, limited offers only. The first 5 customers to call will get a limited edition 'throbbing headache' guaranteed to keep you awake the whole night. Call now!
*End of transmission*
Luckily i've downed two 'hamburger pills' to make myself better. Already, i can feel the effects. 'Hamburger pills'? Actually i don't really know the name that medicine. It's what my mom term it as, i guess i'll just use that term. Hopefully this illness will pass over quickly. Then i can go about doing my things.
I cannot be lying in bed lazing! I've got better things to do then lay in bed waiting for the illness to pass! Even though i cannot think of what are there to be done, i simply cannot ly in bed! I'm not a 'bed' person!
If illness only can be exorcised, here's what i think it'll most probably be like:
"Illness! I command you to disappear from thee this moment! Never to bother thee again!"
Fat chance i'd think..
Think i'll just sleep it through...

Thursday, May 19, 2005


A scarce commodity in Singapore... How many Singaporeans wish they'd have a garden. Some worked hard so that they could earn enough money just so they can buy a house with a small piece of grass patch called 'garden'. However, i'd just call that piece of land a small 'lawn'. Come on, for those of you that object... You really want to call that small piece of grass patch a 'garden'? I'd think not. But let's not go into this.
I, myself, have a mix view about gardens. Because land in Singapore is scarce, many people clamour to have a piece of land they can call their own and that doesn't include HDB flats, mind you. For those with land, naturally they'll appreciate that piece of land more, me included. I think i'm quite fortunate i can live in a place with some land i can call a garden. Thank you, mom and dad! Imagine what you could grow with a piece of land. Flowers, fruit trees, herbs. It's limitless. Well, for some people, they just keep their garden clean of everything except for carpet grass, that i don't understand why. Having a garden is so useful. There are some people who grow flowers to beautify the place, there are others who grow things that they might need. For me, a mixture of everything is grown in the garden. If i need pandan leaves, i cut it. I need ginger? I dig it up. I want to eat bachiku? I pluck it. (I never eat it before though.. Don't know why was that tree grown) That's how it goes. Of course having a garden means you must take time and effort in caring for the things you have grown there. Maybe that's the reason why some gardens are so empty, people have no time at all.
The best thing about having a garden? The air you breathe is always fresh and the temperatures at night is always cooler. No matter how hot the day is, the temperature cools down much more faster as compared to other places. (And it's not because my house is haunted!) I wake up freezing sometimes and i did not even switched on the air conditioner at all. But of course it might differ for some people.
However, having a garden isn't all that good either. Neglect it and everything grows wild. I've experienced it before. (The pandan grew out of control) So it's no easy task trying to keep the things you grow in check. Anything you grow today might be deemed a pest next time just because you let it grow wild. I had a hard time clearing up the pandan plants. (They crept along the ground and grew all over the place) Pandan leaves for sale, anyone?
Another thing about having a garden... The INSECTS. With a garden, there'll always be insects. They always come in a package. (Kinda like buy one, get one free) Of course i have nothing against insects, they have a right too. I like seeing the butterflies and bees flying among the flowers but i hate it when other insects irritate me. Eg. Now... It's dark, just rained and all the flying insects are out in full force. I just cannot stand it. Every now and then, a flying ant comes in through the window and i have to throw it back out. (They crawl/fly all over the place!) Mosquitoes are out in force also. (I hate them!) And the worst thing to come? I think the cockroaches will appear soon enough. (Argh!!! Someone save me please. I'm absolutely terrified of cockroaches!) I'll most probably close the windows tonight to keep them out. Of course the easiest way to get rid of all those insects that try to fly in is to either switch off the lights because they're attracted to it or to cool the place down considerably. (eg. switching on the air con) You shouldn't be using baygon or shieldtox.. It'll just stink the place up. And you'll have a hard time sleeping because of the smell. (But it's always handy against cockroaches! That i concur)
Nevertheless, having a garden is like a give and take situation. You can't be always taking something without giving something back. That's the way life goes. "When you take something, something else must be given back in return" (My thesis, LOL) So having a garden means that you have learn how to live with the things that come with it. The most you can do? Whine about the problems you face in a blog. (What i'm doing) If not, don't own a garden at all!
Ya, that's about it. See ya..

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Invisible Mosquitoes

Do you believe in invisible mosquitoes?
I do.
In fact i think they're the most cunning insects in the world. Now that they've mastered the art of invisibility, i think they'll be a force to be reckoned with. Seriously, i'm not kidding.
Previously, they're able to plan their attacks on us using guerrilla tactics, ie hit and run. And its with a tactic that's highly successful, with minimal casualty rates. Unless you have fast reflexes and have eyes that can keep up with their haphazard flying, you're gonna suffer their bites.
Now that they're added the art of invisibility to their repertoire, they'll become even more successful in conducting attacks on us.
Many a times i've been bitten and when i try to find the culprit, it has vanished. No matter how i look around my room, it just seems to disappear. However, after some observations, i can say their art of invisibility is limited in some sense. Staying still for a few seconds, be bait for them. There'll be a time where they lose their coat of invisibility and that's when they're just about to attack. Apparently, their invisibility becomes naught when they're attacking.
Seize the moment! Eradicated them! Let them know the power of human hands! We, humans, are not to be trifled with! Wahaha!!
Squash them as flat as possible! Make them pay dearly for biting you.
Of course you can always use a can of insecticide if you're the impatient kind. Just spray all four corners of the room with insecticide. There, you're done. But don't run out of the room choking on insecticide though. You wanna kill the mosquito, not yourself.
Happy hunting mosquitoes!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2005


Today's the day i deem the happiest day of my life!
The reason?
I've met someone whom i've been wanting and waiting to see for a long time!
Who's that?
I shan't tell...
But just to let you know...
That person is someone very important to me. I think that person is the most wonderful in the world and i absolutely adore that person. There is no one comparable i proclaim!
'Chay..' you all might say, but to me it's a very important day and i shall remember it always!
Don't believe? Test me on all the days i've seen that person then. I'm able to tell you exactly which date it was and what was done. But no one shall know who that person is because it's for me and me alone to know who that person is! If that person were to see this, that person will know also!
I'm so happy!!!
*'That person's' name have been changed to 'that person' in order to protect the the identity of 'that person'*

Friday, May 13, 2005

Selfish Singaporeans and a system gone wrong (i think)

Have you read the news recently? Regarding those students who are still holding onto options whether they're gonna study in NUS, NTU or SMU? Do you think they're very selfish and inconsiderate?
Well, for me, i just can't stand these type of inconsiderate, selfish people. They're depriving others of getting a place in the university just because they cannot make up their mind what they're gonna study. What the hell... If you can't decide, why don't you take one year off, decide what you really want to do in life. At least 3 places would be freed up immediately and i'm sure there would be others who would accept the letter of offer without much hesitation. Think of those who are anxiously waiting for the day when the letter of offer from the respective Universities they had applied to arrive. Think of the joy on their face as they're able to do the course that they had applied being offered to them. Think of the situation now. The future of Singapore lies in some of these people who are unable to decide whether to choose NUS, NTU or SMU, and so hold on to their options till the last minute. My, my, if these people were to become future leaders of Singapore, i think i'd go somewhere else instead. Hopeless people, i'd think they are. You think your results are so good, you can be allowed to drag the options as long as possible eh? Well, good results doesn't mean you're some big shot. There's others out there who had done well and are much better than you in terms of character, personality. Good results also doesn't give you a right to act selfish and inconsiderate. Please wake up and take a look around. You think you're so good? Step into the workforce then. You'll find out how life really is like outside.
Another point to take note of is the way NUS, NTU and SMU conducts the application of admission. Last year's mistake was rectified, ie all Universities close applications on the same date. But so what? It still cannot eradicate the problems arising from people holding onto 2 or 3 letter of offers from different Universities and causing others to wait in vain, when they could have explored other options. Could it be possible for the 3 Universities to work together when it comes to admission for Universities? I think so. One suggestion which i think is possible would be to introduce the options of choosing the course wanted in one website instead of going to 3 different sites at present. It was all fine previously when NUS and NTU offered application of admission under one website. Why change? Unless they fine tune the way application of courses, these problems would keep arising. Change is inevitable in live, that i know. Everything is changing one moment or another. But changes must work for the good of the system rather than create more problems, don't you think so? If you're changing the system so that it can become worse; create more problems for you? Why change at all?
Well that's what i've to say for now.. ( I've run out of brain juices)
*I received a letter from NUS notifying me they're unable to offer me a place due to tough competition. And they're sorry about it... What a joke! My application wasn't processed at all because i did not even submit any documents when it was needed. Tough competition? Yeah, i'm competiting with those that did not submit their documents then. LOL... And they always use the same excuse. I've seen the same letter for 3 years. Maybe they need to use some creativity?
*For those of you who think i'm ranting because i did not get a place in the University, you're correct. I did not get a place at all. But i'm going to do a course i like overseas: Aerospace Engineering. At least i know what i'm gonna do in life. What about you?

Thursday, May 12, 2005

What if?

What would you do if you were to have $2.5 million* unconditionally given to you?
Would you save all of it up? Would you donate it? Or would you buy all the things you've always wanted in life?
What would you really do given this amount of money?
Well, for me, if i were to have that sum of money, here's the list of things i'm gonna do:
1. Take out $1 million and put it in the bank immediately. To earn interest of course :)
2. Donate $250,000 (10%) to whatever non-profit organisation that needs it.
3. Pay finish the loan on the house. Around $250,000 (luckily 70% of the loan had been paid)
4. Pay for my education in Australia. Around $200,000, living expenses included.
5. Buy an apartment in Sydney. Around $350,000 (To stay as well as rent out)
6. Give $100,000 to my parents. ($50,000 each for my dad and mom)
7. Give $50,000 to my siblings. ($25,000 each for my brother and sister)
The sum i'm roughly left with: $300,000
8. Use the $300,000 to invest in shares, bonds and equities.
Yup, that's what i'm gonna do. What about you?
Darn.. I forgot i still need to buy a SLK....
*I do not have $2.5 million. This is a 'what if' section. For those of you who think i'm rich, think again...

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Oh... I've fallen in love...

Got a shock?
Haha, hope you have..
Now, take a guess? What i've fallen in love with? Is it a person? A thing? What???
I'd bet you'll never be able to guess...
It's Dido's voice!!!
Haha.. kinda weird to hear someone falling in love with a voice eh? If you've listened to her songs you'll know what i mean. But of course there're others whom might disagree.
'There are others out there who sound better than her', They'd fret and cry aloud..
But hey, it's my BLOG!!!
If you wanna say anything, leave it in in the comments...
If not...
Set up your own then. Nobody's stopping you.. It's free of charge anyway... Go away.. Shoo...
( i'm kinda showing attitude.. Sorry..)
Back to Dido...
I think her voice's really nice.. It's so soothing and it kinda calms me down whenever i hear her singing... ( If you were to see me in a rage next time, maybe you could play her songs??? See if i could cool down... LOL...)
Wow.. if i were to have someone in my life with that voice, i'll be so happy...
But then it'll be quite unfair to that person...
That's where CD's come in handy haha... Of course a cd player too..

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

What a weather..

Look up in the sky!!!
It's a bird!!!
No! It's a plane!!!
No!!! It's .......!?!?!
There's nobody flying about in the sky!
But my.. doesn't the sky look awfully dark... It's gonna rain!!! Quick! Keep the clothes, close the windows!!!
What a weather...
Why! What's wrong!?!
Darn.. The weather seems to be going through some form extremities this year... If it ain't raining cats and dogs, it's scorching like hell... And i absolutely hate it... (I hate hot weathers alot more than rainy days)
Imagine dressing up, smelling nice and fresh...
Then you take a look outside and discover its so hot that heat waves could be seen rising from the ground... Cursing quietly, you step out of the house and walk towards train station. In just a few moments, beads of pespiration starts forming on your head... As you prodd along, it gets progressively worse. Imagine taking out a piece of tissue and trying to wipe it all away, but somehow it just wouldn't go away. Reaching the train station (air conditioned), you heave a sigh of relief.. but now you're hot and sticky... The day is ruined man... ( i sympathise with those living in private estates as they have to walk ALL the way out just to reach the bus stop or train staion. A fine example? Kovan area..)
Argh!!! Can SOMEONE, ANYONE! do something about this weather!!!

Monday, May 09, 2005


What is 'love'? Is there 'true love' in this world? What's the meaning of 'love' anyway?

Well, defines love as follow:

1. A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.

Of course there're other interpretations.. i chose the one that everyone can identify with..
Looking at the definition, do you realise that love for another person can be split into 2 types. The first arising from recognition of attractive qualities
The second arising from a sense of underlying oneness
Now which is applicable to you i might ask?
I myself have seen cases where first type scenarios always occurs... Guys going after girls with attractive qualities... The love they have is superficial, or rather skin deep... Of course, these types of relationships normally wouldn't last at all when they find out their personalities clash...

I saw a very good example while in school:
Guy A chases Girl A because he thinks she's beautiful, they got together when Girl A broke up with Guy B. A few months later(less than 4 months actually), there's new intake of students. Guy A sees another beautiful girl (Girl B) and breaks up with Girl A, citing he has no time in commiting to the relationship. He then chases Girl B. Of course Girl A was very sad (and i mean really heart-brokened) when she knew about the truth after someone told her.( Not Guy B nor Girl B.. Guess who?)
However... as God has planned... the relationship did not last at all... (just a few months, i forgot cause it was exams and i need to pass...)
My heart really goes out to Girls A & B for having met such a person in their lives...
In my opinon I see Guy A as a BIG F**KER who deserves to lynched... (of course killing is illegal) Hopefully, God would punish him even though he maybe a practising Catholic or Christian..
*Note Guy B's not me, i've never been in a relationship*

Now for the second type of love, it's not as common as the first type. It occurs when people just clicked together. They love each other for who and what their other halves are. Their relationships are able to endure turbulent times and of course they'll marry each other eventually (most of them). You can really see how strong these relationships are if you have friends that truly love their other halves as their other halves love them. I've some friends who are in these type of relationships. Though there may be squabbles now and then, they're able to make up immediately without any misgivings. That's what i'd say's a love that can surpass everything...

Fo me, i'm not in any relationship at all. Never have been in one up to now... Of course there's someone that i love, but there's some things in life that just cannot go the way that you would have liked it to go. I only hoped that she'll be happy always.

Well that's all i've to say... time to retire for now...

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Today's the start of a brand new event in my life...

Well... If you've just stumbled onto this website, i've this to say to you.
I'm now about to embark on my blogging career...
ya right...
Now for those of you who thinks blogging is easy, you're absolutely wrong...
Imagine all the trouble you've to go through just to think of an account name, title, url address etc..
oh my god.. took me quite a while just before i could come out with anything at all...
However, after all that, it's kinda smooth sailing all the way.
Now you might ask "Hey, why on earth should you start blogging in the first place when you've got better things to do?"
Well, i guess it's boredom that made me do it...
And it's also because of Rj and Ben that i did it... (be glad i include you in my first posting)
Both of them gave the same answer when i said i was bored to death..
"Start blogging like me..."
So here i am...
Hopefully i can do a proper blog in times to come.